Once upon a time.

A couple of city dwellers dreamed of their own home, home on the range.

Where the Mountains leaned in, nice and friendly-like,
and the sounds of the river floated up from the gully.

The Golden Hour - Sunrise over the Seaward Kaikoura Ranges - taken from the Loft (January 6:15am)

The Golden Hour - Sunrise over the Seaward Kaikoura Ranges - taken from the Loft (January 6:15am)

It all begins with a dream.

Come and share our dream, if just for a night or two. Listen to the sounds of the Hapuku River rushing along the age-old gravel. Watch the fantails swooping through the tall grass at your heels. Lay down in the cool paddock and contemplate 5,000 blazing stars.


Get up close and personal with our onsite lawnmowers.